PHUTURAMA Entered the Hyperspace

The on-air Hyperrraum.TV logo is defintely extraterrestrial: Digits go Saturn!

Every of you who is interested to leran more of the first PHUTURAMA event in the framework of the transmediale.10 Salon Talks, here is a compact, but competent wrap-up by the Munich based scientifically and education-oriented Web TV channel called HyperraumTV. [1]

This is, by the way, a wonderful name (German expression for hyperspace) for a channel to cover the first PHUTURAMA results. The report on PHUTURAMA – “Visual Futurists im Dialog” – is in German language only, but it provides a distinguished summary of the event’s general ambition as well as of the single presentations completed by selected illustrations from the very slides as well as some footage presented on site.

Hyperraum.TV is a project of mediacomeurope GmbH [2], initiated and led by journalist and publisher Dr. Susanne Päch who has a long track record of corporate communication projects especially in affiliation with Deutsche Telekom AG.

[1] Link to the Hyperraum.TV report on PHUTURAMA, “Visual Futurists im Dialog”
[2] Website of mediacomeurope GmbH

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